Well, what do you know. I finally got in and did it all by myself. Normally I have to call Levi for help when the computer stumps me.. which is fairly often.
A few days ago I was wondering around outside enjoying this magnificent weather we are having, praying.. or what ever you want to call it... talking to the universe... speaking to the wind... Any ways... I was thinking about how this crazy election has effected people. I do believe it is the ugliest, most desperate election I've ever lived through. I also think that a lot of the Christian people I know truly believed this was life or death. I think they truly believe that the world is going to come to an end with Obama as our President. Geez, I know things have been pretty tough the last four years but actually our business is doing better right now than it has in ages So, I don't think the world is going to end because he is President again. BUT, back to my original thought ... oh, the rabbit trails.... I was thinking about the upcoming fiscal cliff/tax cut/doomsday scenario and thinking about the possibilities of what might happen there. And, I was praying for/hoping for a time where big business does not own our country, a time where business is more localized, smaller, family oriented like it used to be. When I was a kid there was a local community store on every corner, a Mom and Pop store for everything. The money would go to local people, state taxes and not so much to the Federal Government. I, personally, wouldn't cry much to see the big money mongers fall by the wayside or at least have to pay taxes accordingly.
I guess the first step would be really supporting our local businesses, huh? I've said this before, but, I truly am going to try to buy more/most of what we do buy locally.
This election was disgusting to watch from both sides and more on the part of the public than either candidate, I think. I truly believe that given the opportunity to sit down with either candidate I'd probably find we have some things in common and disagree on some things which is really no different than any person in my life.
I typically find myself on the outside of all groups. I'm not against legalized abortion. I'm all for gay marriage. Those two beliefs put me at odds with most Republicans.
I believe in less government. I don't want government mandated healthcare. I have had to jump through too many hoops when it has come to Erin's healthcare (which is state funded through Adoption Assistance). I can't imagine that a government run healthcare system would be any different. I don't think that abortions should be funded with tax dollars. I also don't think that methadone clinics that allow drug addicts to receive a legalized form of meth should be funded with tax dollars.I think there should be more regulations on government assistance. It's crazy to me that people can not work or work very few hours and receive child care assistance, food stamps, and TANF for years at a time. Meanwhile hardworking people can fall just above the cut off and receive no help. That is not an incentive for people to work harder. It's an incentive for people to work less. Those views put me at odds with most Democrats.
Buying locally is a great idea and buying items made in the USA will benefit the economy even if the company isn't local. More importantly, we need to hold elected officials responsible for closing tax loopholes that allow big business to legally pay less taxes. Without those loopholes closing larger businesses will continue to legally pay less tax which will mean decreased tax revenue for the government which always ends with an increase of tax rates. Big business will continue to use the loopholes to get out of paying an even higher tax rate and small business will be stuck paying more. It's a vicious cycle that will only be stopped by closing the loopholes. Of course that sounds easy, but given that many elected officials depend on big business to fund their campaigns the likelihood of them actually closing those loopholes is slim to none.
The public needs to become more educated on these issues and truly make their voice heard. We need to let government know that their time is up if they don't start creating change.
Well, said, my dear. I felt the same way... there were things about Romney that I thought might make a good Pres. others not so much. I like the ideas that Obama talks about although we have seen very little of it come to pass. I don't mind the idea of government health care. Emily has been on Sooner Care all her life and I wish we all had that kind of health care because it has been wonderful. Maybe buying locally just makes me feel like I am doing some little something towards change,even tho in reality it is just a tiny speck of sand in a very big ocean. I'm really afraid of what it might really take to bring on any kind of real change. It probably would not be pretty.
The election season was crazy and I am so glad it is over...
I agree with much of what you both said..... The "fiscal cliff" is VERY scary for me though because my hubby WILL lose his job if it all goes through. He is looking and applying just in case. We definitely can not live on my little income......
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