Monday, December 19, 2011

I haven't touched or smelled or felt anything of substance in so long I can't remember.

I haven't had a thought deeper than the damn laundry basket in months.

I haven't connected to or sought out anything that would rock my soul, instead I just float around on the top of the water getting by without getting wet.

I feel empty and vapid.

I would rather feel hungry. I want to feel ..... that's it, I just want to feel again.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there so we could talk for hours and hours.

I think when you have a full life like you do, it's easy to forget yourself. I think when we neglect ourselves, we can easily fee like we are just dissolving into nothingness.

Perhaps you should read your 'Women that Run with Wolves" again.

Much Love,

aola said...

I think that is a very good idea.. I spent some time last night on her facebook page it always lifts me but I need more than that. I think you hit the nail right on the head. and YES, YES, YES I wish we could sit and drink copious amounts of good coffee and dig into the deep things we both desire.

Sandra said...

I feel this in my bones! What about some kind of online forum to read and discuss the book? A private place for us to share? We have both said we need community. I think we all need that. Let me know what your thoughts are. I'm going to gram WWRWW. I've got a few free hours while David takes the kids shopping with him.
