Sunday, March 25, 2007

Yesterday was one of those absolutely perfect Oklahoma spring days. I woke up ready to get up and go or I should say mow and mow I did. I dug up a dead rose bush that didn't make thru last years hellacious summer and replaced it with a forsythia bush. I took my trimmers and wandered around the yard trimming dead wood out of all my bushes and I have a lot of bushes. I would clean house a while and then go out and work in the yard a while - it took all day long but I got all of our yard mowed (Levi did the pecan grove for me). I didn't even get started on Mother's or the right-of-way. I've already mowed more this year than the total of all last summer's mowing. Everything is thick and green and alive and it is so beautiful. Gives me great pleasure to walk thru my yard, down the path between light pink flowering almonds, and blooming peach and pear trees, around the drive where my yellow irises are blooming this morning and look out over my yard that looks like a freshly mowed golf course.

While I was playing in the yard all day, Mark was in the studio with a new band, Stone Face Norman - 4 young (very young looking)college guys and 1 older guy that travels with them. They drove down from Tulsa to do their demo here. I haven't heard their music but Mark said they were very talented. They worked all day and most of the night. I think they left about two this morning.
Levi and I cooked dinner for everyone. He grilled steaks and I did salad, baked potatoes and bread. Christi ran to town and bought a cake. It was a lot of fun.

Emily found a new friend in Isaac, the drummer. He played with her on her new disney phone and won her heart.

Now, this morning, we are off to church.... it should, at least, give me lots of new blog fodder :)


Kristen said...

Glad you had a good time in Dallas! (I just back from Oregon so I'm catching up on everything.) Our tulips are finally coming up...spring!

kurganwins said...

I know this out of the blue, but what ever became of Stone Cold Norman - they rocked.